Audrey shows how to get full stretch, safely

Camarillo-Somis Yoga & Mindfulness

At CSYM, we teach Functional Yoga & Breathing for physical & mental health, not pretzly acrobatics.

Stress reducing breathing, mindful concentration and full body conditioning are taught and personalized by experienced compassionate teachers, not lead from the front of the room where you follow along and hope you get it right.

Join us for the yoga class that fits your needs & preferences! Indoors, outdoors, YouTube, Private Lessons, Ultra Gentle, Beginners or Intermediate Yoga. Yoga & Mindfulness for Tween/Teens, Restorative Yoga workshops. “Mind Massage” breathing & guided meditation.

“Learn Mindfulness Meditation” series with Audrey provides Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy tools for decreasing stress and increasing emotional resilience personally, in family and work relationships. Meditation group support and practice, and retreats are offered for those who have completed the initial series.

Somis Thursday Club

Is our partner in the studio space.  Established in 1904, the Somis Thursday Club has supported and promoted cultural, social, and civic welfare in the Camarillo and Somis area. We now practice yoga and mindfulness in their125+ year-old Clubhouse, a Ventura County Historical Landmark.  Meetings are held every Thursday (surprise!) Click here to visit their website.


More About Us


“I been coming to Camarillo Yoga for a year now, and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. My range of motion has increased tremendously. My own children asked me if I grew taller!  I can actually get up in the morning – pain free.  Walk around – pain free.  I’m afraid to say it out loud  too much because I don’t want to jinx it! 
All yoga studios aren’t the same. Audrey takes the time shows you the proper way. She explains why you’re doing the movement you’re doing.”


“I have lower back problems and [my husband] kept saying ‘Come. Just try it out!’  So I did and I love it.  If the instructors haven’t seen me before, they ask me what kind of injuries I might have. I explain it to them and together we modify the practice. 
Since I’ve come to Camarillo Yoga, I have not had back spasms or needed to go to the ER.”


“I incorporate yoga into my weight lifting and kick boxing. When you learn how to breathe it really makes a big difference. Learning how to be more flexible, [Yoga] has taught me more about my weight lifting, because now I know how my shoulders and hips work.  I just learned about my body a lot more.”